Little things grow (2018) 10′
Orchestration: fl/cl/vn.vc/perc/pno/electronics
樂 絲 Silk, 木 Wood. (2015) 9′
Orchestration: fl/bcl/vn.va.vc.db./pf -
A Golden Child (2024) 5’
Orchestration: cello, harp
Alterity (2010) 20′
Orchestration: flute(piccolo, alto & flute), toy piano, piano & Electronics
Text: a reflection on Emmanuel Levinas, On Escape, De l’évasion, 1935
Video: Tamara Friebel
A fragmented hyacinth stain (2010) 13′
Orchestration: Soprano recorder, Quartz bowls
Alternate orchestration: Soprano Saxophone, Quartz bowls
Alternate orchestration : soprano recorder & Electronics (4-Channel Max/Msp Ambisonic Patch)
Ashes. Gold (2014) 6′
Orchestration: Flute, Clarinet & Accordion
Attractive privacies of breathing borders, still. (2020) 11′
Orchestration: fl/sax/vn.db./vibraphone
Awaken Thy Dragon(2024) 20’
Orchestration: Bass clarinet & Electronics
Das Schallstück (2004) 3′
Orchestration: Bassoon Duo (pedagogical work) Publisher: Auf die Plätze, Fagott, los! Band 2 (Doblinger, 2004)
Delicate Waters (2023) 5’
Orchestration: vn.vn./sax/pf
Everything dances, but the dance itself does not stop (2019) 20’
Orchestration: recorder (sop), fl, db, organ, Electronics(sruti box)
Theatre Performance: Baslertotentanz
Into the waterfall (2020) 20′
Orchestration: Recorder (Great Bass Paetzold, Soprano), Cello, Electronics (Max/Msp)
Video: Tamara Friebel
Instant Memory Trace I or learning to breathe (2011) 10’
Orchestration: Baroque Flute, Harpsichord, (Ping pong balls), Electronics
Mother Beauty, an Indian Tale (2021) 10′
Orchestration: sprechstimme speaker, Guitar (pedagogical work) Text: Tamara Friebel, German/English
Nausea (2009) 20′
Orchestration: viola d’amore, toy piano, piano & electronics
Video: Tamara Friebel Text: a reflection on Emmanuel Levinas, On Escape, De l’évasion, 1935
Ostinato (2004) 5′
Orchestration: Bassoon (pedagogical work) Publisher: Auf die Plätze, Fagott, los! Band 1 (Doblinger, 2004)
Schallstück am Ende Verrückt (2004) 8′
Orchestration: Bassoon duo (pedagogical work)
suisse pavillon blasquintett (2003) 7′
Orchestration: fl/ob/cl/hn/ba (wind quintet)
The agility of perspective nearness in a lake of being (2020) 10′
Orchestration: Violin, Guitar
The Penguin March (1990)
Orchestration: Flute, Piano (pedagogical work)
Twilights, Dancing around us (2015) 11′
Orchestration: Baroque Flute, Harpsichord
Alternate Orchestration: flute, piano
Wind up your Desire (2014) 10′
Orchestration: cl/vn.vc.db. & gramophone (pressed record)
Alternate Orchestration: cl/vn.vc.db. electronics -
Defragmented hyacinth stain (2010) 13′
Orchestration: Prepared Contrabass Recorder (brass shim), Electronics
Jujun una voce (2009) 12’
Orchestration: Flute (bass, piccolo & C) Electronics (8 channel track (Max/Msp patch)
Kuss! for Urbo Kune (2014) - 5′
Orchestration: Saxophone (alto) (pedagogical work) -
Dance Me to My Rebirth (2017) 8′
Orchestration : Harpsichord, ping-pong balls (video score)
Alternate Orchestration : Harpsichord, Electronics
Video: Tamara Friebel
Little things grow (2022) 3’
′ Orchestration: Piano, Electronics -
Ave Maria (2020) 3’30”
Chorus: SSAA
haus der wünsche (2018) 4′
Text: Maja Haderlap, Tamara Friebel
träumende sprache (2018) 4′ Chorus: TTTTBBBB
Text: Maja Haderlap -
Attractive Privacies of Breathing Borders, in one solitary universe. (2015) 8′
Chorus: SSATB
Orchestration: flute
Illuminations (2021) 54′
Krems Version
Soloist: Soprano solo
Orchestration: Flute(Bass, C), Cello, Percussion
Text: Sanskrit Beej Mantras
Illuminations Ossiach (2023) 8′
Ossiach Version
Orchestration: Violin
Text: Sanskrit Beej Mantras -
An Epic in the Glasshouse (2010) 15’
Soloist: Soprano Orchestration: cl/vn.vc. Electronics
Aria to fallen blossoms (2014) 8′
Soloist: Soprano
Text: Japanese
Sappho Fragments (2017, 2020, 2022) – 23′
I. Awakened Flutters II. A Silver Birth III. Crown thy Earth
Orchestration: Soprano, Violin
Text: Sappho, Ancient Greek
cotted child of yestereve (2007) 9′
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: 2 string quartets
Text: excerpts from James Joyce, Finnegan’s Wake
Exquisite Loneliness, Breathe. (2015) 13′
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: Recorder(sop), Perc. Electronics
Video: Tamara Friebel
Hommage á Pablo Neruda (2005) 8′
I. Always you haunt me II. Sometimes a piece of sun III. No one saw
Orchestration: Soprano, Piano
Text: after Pablo Neruda, Tamara Friebel
Jujun (2009) 11′
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: fl/va.pf (prepared) & Yin Yang balls, Electronics
Text: Mary Bautista (Tzotzil Poetry)
Kleine Worte (2007) 3′
Orchestration: Soprano, Piano
Text: Tamara Friebel
Know thy swan (2022) – 10′
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: Saxophone (sop), Percussion (Quartz Bowls)
Text: Sanskrit Beej Mantras
Lotus Sonnet (2022) – 10′
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: Clarinet, Piano
Text: Tamara Friebel
One Light (2021) – 18′
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: Flute, Accordion, Percussion
Text: Tamara Friebel, German/English/Sanskrit
Sappho: insolentia papyrus fragments (2007) 12’
Soloist: Soprano & wineglass
Orchestration: prepared piano, Electronics (sound installation recording 24 hours)
Text: Sappho, Ancient Greek fragments
The Dissociative Said (2011) 4′
Soloist: Soprano, Electronics
Video: Tamara Friebel
Text: Tamara Friebel
The Ocean of Beauty (2022) 5’
Soloist: Alto, Soprano
Text: Saundarya Lahari
The stars are still in your eyes (2015) 14′
Soloist: Soprano & Electronics
Video: Tamara Friebel
Trill of the Human Bird, a Metamorphosis (2011) 14’
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: Electronics & “steel instrument”
Text: Tzotzil Poets Mary Bautista & Mariando Reynaldo Vazquez Lopez
Voice Triptych : Voce silenzio, voce acqua, voce sogno (2008) 13’
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: keyboards (harpsichord, celesta, prepared piano) Electronics
Text: excerpts from numerous authors in Nathalie Latham’s “speaking through water”
yelobal karaoke (2009) 7’
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: pf (prepared) & Yin Yang balls, Electronics
Text: Mary Bautista (Tzotzil Poetry) -
Canto Morph (2012) 45′
Soloist: Soprano, Recorder(soprano)
Orchestration: fl/clvn.vc.pf Electronics
Libretto: excerpts from Ada Negri’s Tempeste (1896)
Of secrets, I am silence (2016) 60’
for Schloss Damtschach/Carinthischer Sommer
Tamara Friebel(Artistic Director & Concept: Art project with multiple sound installations, video installation, performance, compositions)
Artists: Tamara Friebel (Piano, Vocals), Herwig Neugebauer (G-Violone), Johanna Orsini-Rosenberg (actress), Marie Orsini-Rosenberg (Baroque Cello), Markus Orsini-Rosenberg (painter)
Suns & Daughters (2017) 60′
for Schloss Damtschach/Carinthischer Sommer
Tamara Friebel (Artistic Director & Concept: Art project with multiple sound installations, film/performance, compositions) Concept: Tamara Friebel
Artists: David Bergmüller (Lute),Tamara Friebel (Piano, Vocals), Herwig Neugebauer (G-Violone), Johanna Orsini-Rosenberg (actress), Marie Orsini-Rosenberg (Baroque Cello), Markus Orsini-Rosenberg (painter)
There’s no clock in the forest (2019) 60’
for Schloss Damtschach/Carinthischer Sommer
Tamara Friebel (Artistic Director & Concept: Art project with multiple sound installations, film/performance, compositions)
Artists: David Bergmüller (Lute), Roswitha Dokalik (Baroque violin), Tamara Friebel (Piano, Vocals), Herwig Neugebauer (G-Violone), Johanna Orsini-Rosenberg (actress), Marie Orsini-Rosenberg (Baroque Cello), Markus Orsini-Rosenberg (painter)
The Unself Triptych: Nausea, Alterity, Stollen (2009/12) 50’
Orchestration: viola d’amore, toy piano, piano, flutes(piccolo, alto flute, flute) voice & electronics Video: Tamara Friebel
Nausea (2009) 20′
Orchestration: viola d’amore, toy piano, piano & electronics
Video: Tamara Friebel
Text: a reflection on Emmanuel Levinas, On Escape, De l’évasion, 1935
Alterity (2010) 20′
Orchestration: flute(piccolo, alto & flute), toy piano, piano & Electronics
Text: a reflection on Emmanuel Levinas, On Escape, De l’évasion, 1935
Video: Tamara Friebel
Stollen (2012) 5′
Orchestration: Vocals, Electronics
Video: Tamara Friebel
You are My dream (2015) 50’
Part I: The stars are still in your eyes (2015) 14′
Soloist: Soprano & Electronics
Part II: Warmth (2013) 15′
Soloist: Soprano Orchestration: Cello, Perc, Electronics
Part III: Exquisite Loneliness, Breathe. (2015) 13′
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: Recorder(sop), Perc. Electronics
Libretto: Tamara Friebel
Video: Tamara Friebel
Warmth (2013) 15′
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: Cello, Perc, Electronics -
Deflections: A sonic circus Performance, 2. Act (2011) 30′
with Nathalie Koger/BRUT Production Vienna
I. blind etude II. paint étude III. live prepared electronics etude IV. silent étude V. foil étude VI. slow motion etude
Orchestration: prepared Aerial Ring, samples/deflections, prepared “hula hoops” and foil with live-electronics
Dance/Choreography: Annabel Carberry
Hula Hoop. I’m out of breath. All for you. (2012) 15′
Orchestration: Electronics, brass shim & objet trouvé – 2 coffee grinders, gramophone
Choreography/Dance: Annabel Carberry (hula hoops)
Video: Tamara Friebel “an antique Estey pump organ”
…I’m out of breath… all for you (2012) 15′
Orchestration: Vocalist/Sprechstimme, Accordion, Perc (Tam-Tam), Electronics, Objects: brass shim & objet trouvé – 2 coffee grinders, gramophone
Choreography/Dance: Annabel Carberry (hula hoops)
Video: Tamara Friebel “an antique Estey pump organ”
Suffragi (2008-9) 52’
Suffragi “Anonymous” homage á Shostakovich (2008) 14′
Orchestration: String Quartet
Video: Nathalie Latham
Dance/Choreography: Evguenia Chtchelkova
Costume: Melinda Stokes
Suffragi “Anonymous” (2009) 14′ Orchestration: String Quartet
Alternate Orchestration: Electronics
Video: Nathalie Latham
Suffragi “Muskat” homage á Bach (2007) 12′
Orchestration: Viola
Video: Nathalie Latham
Suffragi “Muskat” (2009) 12′
Orchestration: viola d’amore (prepared) & Electronics
Video: Nathalie Latham
There was never any war up here. (2014) 12′
Soloist: Soprano
Orchestration: fl, vn.vc.perc.accordion Electronics
Concept/Text/Composition: Tamara Friebel
Video: Nathalie Latham
Choreography/Dance: Evguenia Chtchelkov -
Jsimtasbanajetik (2009) 12′
Orchestration: Electronics (8-channel)
Video: Tamara Friebel
The Dissociative Said (2015) 5′
Orchestration: Electronics (4 channel), gramophone
Video: Nathalie Latham “A Perennial Memory”
The Spring (2019)
The Spring 5’54”
Hang a Pearl 6’14”
Come, Come (Varuna Mantra) 19’01”
Orchestration: Electronics (multi-channel diffusion)
Text: Sanksrit
‘This is the time when I also have nothing more to say’ (2012) 10′
Orchestration: Electronics (8-channel diffusion) -
40, 000 years of modern art, a re-enactment (2012) 20’
Project: Khadija Carroll
Tamara Friebel: Sound & performance Concept
Artists: Joanna Christie (voice) and Kirill Burlov (dance & choreography), Tamara Friebel (live electronics, mirror glass plates & pencils)
Saturday Event: on Language | ICA The Mall London
A body of one’s own: Schismogenesis (2012) 15′
Orchestration: Contrabass Recorder (Gobi Drab), Electronics (5 microphones)
A Dried Memory (2014) 12′
Orchestration: Recorder (Paetzold, Soprano) (Gobi Drab) & 2 Gramophones: with 3 records
Hast du mein Bild gehört/Have you heard my picture? (2012) 20′
Orchestration: Recorder, samples, a helium balloon loudspeaker & Electronics
Video: Tamara Friebel
Her speaking is as soft as a lotus (2019) 2’32”
Orchestration: Voice, Electronics (4-channel Max/Msp)
Text: Tamara Friebel
Luftadern/Balloon Artery (2012) 20′
Orchestration: Recorder (Paetzold contrabass) & Electronics (balloon loudspeakers)
Stollen (2012) 5′
Orchestration: Vocals, Electronics
Video: Tamara Friebel
Summer’s Honey Breath (2019)
Orchestration: Cello, Electronics
Surrender, the dream (2016)
Orchestration: Vocals, Zither, Electronics
Video: Tamara Friebel
The Hourglass | Die Sanduhr (2013) 15’
Orchestration: Vocals, Electronics
Tamara Friebel (voice, laptop, electronics, instruments)
Video: Nathalie Latham
There’s no clock in the forest (2019) 2’41”
Orchestration: Voice, Electronics (4-channel Max/Msp)
Text: Tamara Friebel, Shakespearean Sonnets
Without fire, charcoal, charred for a beautiful Boesendorfer (2012)
Orchestration: Piano (prepared with charcoal on paper)
Tamara Friebel (piano improvisation, recordings, producer) CD AO& 2045 no 13 Sound engineer: Christoph Amann, Curator: Luke Matthews
w/rap (2011) 15’
Orchestration: Contrabass Recorder, Vocals, Electronics -
Audio Field Report no.18 (2014)
Interview with Tamara Friebel by Knut Remond
Limited Edition MC cassette, 8 copies numbered.
Speaking through water (2008) 5’
Soundtrack: Tamara Friebel (vocals, mixing, mastering)
Concept & Video: Nathalie Latham
Sun’s a Sister (2022) - 2’
Soundtrack: Tamara Friebel (vocals, keyboard, mixing, mastering)
Video: Renate Kordon
The Rise and Fall (2012) 8′
Soundtrack: Tamara Friebel -composition - a vinyl record, sides A & B
Artists: Hassan Hilmy (Arabic Translation) Readers: Issam Yahya, Leila Ezz-zine, Aisha Rbib, Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll, Singers: سميرة المهنديز samira elmohadiz, ليلى مدوس laila modaouas, منى المطفر mouna elmodafar, إلهام الطالبي ilham etalibi, جميلة كروان jamila karaouane, فاطمة الزهراء نواس fatimazahraa naouas, لطيفة الغويشي latifa elghouichi, خديجة كوانكة khadija gounga, نورة بلبصير noura belbasir
Project: Khadija von Zinnenburg Carroll & Alex Schweder - The Rise and Fall
Trickptychon (2022) - 6’43”
Soundtrack: Tamara Friebel (mixing, mastering)
Artists: Sarah Chentalier (vocals), Tamara Friebel (vocals, Tibetan bowls, Bansuri Flutes), David Honegger (vocals)
Video: Renate Kordon (1984)
Was Schert es mich (2022) - 1’43”
Soundtrack: Tamara Friebel (stork samples, mixing, mastering)
Video: Renate Kordon (1984) -
24 hours (2002) Installation: Old tram poles prepared with fishing wire, bark and old tram studs in a fenced off yard “Unintrusive” Land Art, Brunswick, Melbourne
4 detuned piano études for Italo Calvino (2010) 8′
Video: Tamara Friebel (performance: Tamara Friebel (Piano)
a little city in my wohnzimmer (2014)
Installation: Old cupboard with shelving open, glass mirror inscribed, STL 3d models, projector, ghee lamp, Loudspeakers(stereo)
Soundscape: Who is ruling your kingdom dear ambrosia? (2014)
An accidental feminism (2014) 5′
Video & Soundtrack : Tamara Friebel
A perennial Memory (2014) 20′
Soundtrack: Tamara Friebel with recorder (Gobi Drab)
Video: Nathalie Latham
Installation: Cut flowers, Glass plates
Flowers given into sound (2017)
Exhibition: Photographic prints, 3d STL Models, Painted silk, Video installations, Various Prints
Kunsthaus Deutschvilla, Group Exhibition “Sehen des Hörens”
Glaskolben | Receiver (2013)
Installation: video, voice track & white plaster Autumn leaves
Artists: Tamara Friebel (Soundtrack), Nathalie Latham (Video), Bettina Wohlfender (Poetry, Sculpture)
I love you (2011) Installation: Video projection, 6 channel for 14 Miniature loudspeakers, Objet trouvé (sea shells, a cupboard, chairs, film projection board and an old lute)
Permanent Collection Kranich Museum | Germany
Lady Justitia weighs her beauty, her words, her power over the forsaken with the weightlessness of snow (2012) 10′ Video: Tamara Friebel
The Dissociative Said (2011) 2′
Video & Soundtrack: Tamara Friebel with Loré Lixenberg (soprano)
Sisters of the Labyrinth (2024)
Exhibition: Printed 3d object in rosa quarz filament, set in branches, hung with fishing wire Sound Object with antique loudspeaker, soundtrack to Tricktypchon
Exhibition with Renate Kordon (Animation “Tricktypchon”, Paintings)
Somewhere between life and decay (2013)
Installation: Drying, decaying flowers: Amaryllis, Ranunculus, enamelled copper wire Album Release: Tamara Friebel (piano) Limited Edition of 20
There was never any war up here (2014)
Video: Nathalie Latham
Soundtrack: Tamara Friebel
Installation: books, wire Rondo Open Atelier, August 5 2014
The stars are still in your eyes (2015) 14′
Video & Soundtrack : Tamara Friebel
Who is ruling your kingdom, dear ambrosia? (2014)
Soundscape: Tamara Friebel
Installed in Knut Remond’s loudspeaker installation, Ohrenhoch, Berlin
Zero-Crossings (2013) 20’
Installation: Video in wooden apple box 20′
Galerie 69, Graz | Summer Confluence – Rondo KunstlerInnen, Aug 5 – 23 2013 -
A thousand petals (2020)
Crazy little sunshine girl (2020)
Garden (2022)
Sun’s a Sister (2022)
The Crown of Love (2020)
Shakespeare Sonnets: (2019)
Tears are Pearl
Text: Sonnet 34 Original, Sonett 19, transl. Josef Czernin
In one of thine (Heran, in einem deinem)
Text: Sonet 11, transl. Klaus Reichert
Text: Sonnet 8 Original & transl. Klaus Reicher
Ganz bei Dir
Text: Sonnet 16 Reichert
Florabeat: (2019) (with Kaoko Amano, Soprano)
She sings like a diva
In Every World: (2019)
Your eyes light up my day
Going down to pray
Hearing your tenderness call
Her garden was love
In every world
Let her be
On the sea of gold
Smile my stranger
What were you then, my darling?
Take her to the river
Dancing with the sun
A noontide
This dream is breathing for the little ones
Before the Soft Wind: (2013)
Run for the Sun
Nietzsche’s Lover
The Hourglass
Dear Father’s Home
Let down your golden hair
Ned’s Masquerade
You are my mantra
La Petite Châtelaine (2013)
The Wishing Well (2010)
Fifth Grade (2010)
Drive me to a distant shore (2010)
The Cricket Song (2010)
Who trapped the devil in the mountain (2010)